Questions you should ask when choosing life insurance

Choosing the Right Life Insurance in Texas

When you are considering life insurance, either a first policy or an additional policy, it is important to ask the right questions. You want to ensure that you are getting the most for your insurance dollars and that your life insurance provides the coverage you really need. Our team at Heydari Financial Group in Houston, TX, has the answers to your questions.

Do I Need Life Insurance If I Get It as a Benefit from Work?

Yes, you do. Your work perk may not be enough to provide the protection you need. It also is dictated by your employer. Do you want someone else to decide how much life insurance you have? Probably not. You need to have some life insurance of your own and enjoy the work-life insurance as the perk it is.

Do I Need to Get a Physical to Get Life Insurance?

No, some policies don’t require a physical. However, you will have fewer choices and pay more for what is available. You will still have to answer some questions, so don’t lie if you are a smoker or have a preexisting condition. If it is discovered, your policy will be canceled.

How Much Life Insurance is Enough?

Everyone has different needs. It depends on your income, which depends on your income to survive, and how long they will need it. If you have young children, you will need to have more insurance than if you have no children. Higher-income persons will need more life insurance as well.

At Heydari Financial Group in Houston, TX, we are independent insurance agents, which allows us to give you more choices. Call our office or stop by to discuss your life insurance needs.

Which Texas Industries are Moving Fastest and Driving the GDP

Owning a business also means protecting all your business assets, for which you’ll need robust commercial insurance. If you’re near Houston, TX, our team at Heydari Financial Group is more than ready to discuss and address all your business insurance needs. We’ve supported commercial clients, like you, for almost three decades.

Business Insurance Needs in Texas

Texas businesses are accustomed to making bold offerings of excellent quality and opportunities. Following a strong recovery from the 2009 recession, the state’s industries sprang back with characteristic Texan confidence. As reported by Investopedia, as of August 2020, employees in business and professional sectors composed nearly 15% of the state’s non-farm workforce, experiencing significant growth in computer system design and employment firms.

According to Investopedia, Texas businesses now employ over 1,670,000 workers in the education and business fields, a growth of 4% compared to the previous year. The same source cites that eight of the 25 largest Texas employers are either hospitals or medical research facilities. Two other industry sectors contributing largely to Texas’ GDP are leisure and hospitality, employing over 1 million workers. The same source reported that 75% of new jobs in Texas over the last decade were in food or drinking establishments.

Contact Us Today

Whether your business is on a growth trajectory or regrouping for a resurgence, our team is ready to help protect your resources. When you call us, you’ll always talk to a staff member who can answer your questions in a customer-focused manner. Residents of Houston, TX, can find all their insurance solutions at Heydari Financial Group. Call us today to schedule an appointment.

Insurance Coverage for New Doors And Windows

Add new doors and windows to your residential insurance policy with the help of the tips provided below. After you have prepared the necessary coverage plan, do not hesitate to contact one of our experienced agents serving Houston, TX, for further assistance.

Materials That The Additions Are Made Of

Consider the materials that the doors and windows will be constructed of. The thickness of the glass panes and the porosity of the materials used will determine how resilient these additions are.


Assess the location where each door and window will be installed. The region you live in may affect the risk of your home being broken into, and even the weather patterns that are common for the area could influence the safety of each door and window.

Security Features

Instal added security features for each door and window to secure your home from potential intruders. Implementing these features could minimize the likelihood of filing an insurance claim in the future. Modern locking systems and surveillance equipment can help keep your home safe.

Track any security features you decide to implement. You will need to submit this information when you are ready to add the doors and windows to your home insurance policy.

Contact Heydari Financial Group in Houston, TX

An agent from our team at Heydari Financial Group can recommend insurance products that will protect your new doors and windows. Once you decide on the doors and windows that will be installed in your home, do not hesitate to contact our office. An agent will schedule a consultation to assist you with your home insurance needs.

Are Houston Drivers Aware of These Auto Insurance Changes?

As an auto insurance policyholder, it’s essential to protect yourself. These policies often change yearly, which can create confusion about coverage. That’s why you should review your auto insurance annually and discuss any modifications with an agent. Our team at Heydari Financial Group in Houston, TX can help ensure you grasp the updates and verify if your policy meets your needs.

1. Updated Minimum Liability

In 2024, changes were introduced to the minimum liability coverage requirements. Texas has raised the liability limits for auto insurance holders, providing increased protection for policyholders. This enhances your security while driving. But remember, not every insurance has the same risks. Hence, revising your yearly policy to adjust to these changes is crucial.

2. Transparency

Texas has introduced numerous amendments to ensure greater transparency from insurance companies. All policies are outlined in the annual contracts, and companies must comply. This gives you, the policyholder, more control over your insurance needs and instills more confidence in your coverage.

3. Motorist Coverage

Two significant amendments were made to motorist coverage regarding uninsured and underinsured coverage. This guarantees that drivers in Houston are protected even if an accident involves a driver without insurance.

4. Personal Injury Protection (PIP) Coverage

PIP coverage supports those who need immediate financial aid in the event of an accident. This is useful because it can help cover both parties regardless of who is at fault. Importantly, this law is mandatory, providing an additional security layer. Policyholders must ensure this coverage is included in their contract.

Contact Heydari Financial Group

Other laws have also been implemented. If you want to explore these further or have questions, Heydari Financial Group in Houston, TX is here to assist. We’re awaiting your call today.

Does Flood Insurance for Your Home Cover a Home-Based Business?

More than five million people in Houston, TX, live in an area prone to flooding. Floods can occur with little or no advance warning. That’s why it’s important to have flood insurance and know what is and isn’t covered under your policy.

Flood Insurance and Your Home-Based Business

Flood insurance for your residence may cover some of your home-based business assets if these assets are used for both personal and commercial purposes. For instance, you’ll get coverage to replace personal belongings such as furniture and a computer. You’ll also receive compensation for structural repairs. Flood insurance doesn’t cover the cost of outside accommodation while your home is being repaired, but this should be covered under your home insurance policy.

However, flood insurance for the home doesn’t cover assets such as stock or machinery used for business purposes. Moreover, regular flood insurance doesn’t cover structures outside the house or your vehicles. Your business could take a serious hit if valuable items are damaged and you need to repair or replace them. That’s why it’s important to talk to an insurance company about flood insurance to cover personal and business assets. The type of policy you need will likely depend on where you live, the type of business assets you own, and how much these are worth. 

Get Expert Help from Heydari Financial Group

Heydari Financial Group offers business owner and commercial insurance policies for Houston, TX, business owners from all industries. We can help you assess your policy options and pick the forms of coverage that offer the best protection for your home-based business. Contact us to find out more or to get a policy quote.

Thinking About Growing Your Family? Do You Have Life Insurance?

There’s a lot to consider when you’re thinking about growing a family. One of the things to think about is what would happen to your family if something happened to you. At Heydari Financial Group, servicing the Houston, TX area, we offer life insurance for people who would like to ensure that their families are taken care of in the event of their death.

This is where life insurance can make a difference. Life insurance can help people who would like to ensure that their family will have the resources they need to take care of themselves in the event of their death. Here’s what you need to know. 

What Is Life Insurance?

Life insurance is a policy that pays a sum of money to the beneficiary in the event the insured dies. Some types of life insurance payout this sum no matter when the insured dies as long as the premium has been paid, while other types of life insurance have policies that remain active for a limited time. 

Who Benefits from Life Insurance?

You can benefit from life insurance if you have someone who you would like to ensure is cared for in the event of your death. Life insurance can be used to pay off a mortgage, provide basic life necessities to a beneficiary, or even pay to take care of a beloved pet. 

What Types of Life Insurance Exist?

There are multiple types of life insurance, including term life insurance, which only provides coverage for a certain number of years, and permanent life insurance, which provides coverage as long as the premium is paid. 

How Can I Get Life Insurance?

If you would like life insurance, speak with the professionals at Heydari Financial Group, which serves the Houston, TX, area. We can help you find the right type of policy for your needs. 

Protecting a business from various kinds of liability

Understanding the different types of commercial insurance and the coverage they provide is crucial for every business. Let’s delve into this topic by introducing you to Heydari Financial Group’s agents stationed in Houston, TX, who are ready to shed more light on commercial insurance.

Benefits of Commercial Insurance Policies

Commercial insurance policies offer coverage against several sources of loss for businesses, some of which include:

  • Physical Damage: Businesses continuously confront risks of physical damage to assets like properties, equipment, and inventory due to a variety of circumstances, such as crime, severe weather, and accidents. Commercial insurance can help bear the cost of repairs and replacements that otherwise would be deducted from the firm’s revenue.
  • Lawsuits: Lawsuits can arise from various sources, such as employees, especially when there are labor regulation or discrimination issues. Product mishaps could also lead to severe injuries requiring medical attention. As lawsuit costs can be financially draining, having commercial insurance is a safe bet for businesses.
  • Professional Errors and Malpractice: Regulated professions have specific rules governing their practices and ethics. Nevertheless, dissatisfied clients can still initiate legal action for perceived errors or malpractices. It is impossible to anticipate such, thus the need for commercial insurance.

Commercial insurance from Heydari Financial Group offers businesses a shield against disastrous events that could cripple their operations. Choose peace of mind, choose Heydari Financial Group.

Does Home Insurance Cover Plumbing Repairs?

Plumbing is easy to take for granted, but few people would want to live without it. It’s important to know if your insurance covers these crucial pipes and fixtures and understand what exceptions apply. So, does home insurance cover plumbing repairs in your Houston, TX home?

What’s Covered?

A homeowners’ policy generally covers this type of repair under the right circumstances, such as when extreme temperatures cause water pipes to freeze and burst. The same goes for vandalism and theft. While they’re unlikely to steal faucets or PVC pipes, criminals could target your home’s metal plumbing in an effort to obtain valuable copper.

Home insurance also typically covers damage inflicted by house fires, wildfires, strong winds, and tornadoes. However, there are several exceptions. For example, it won’t fix plumbing problems caused by insufficient maintenance, pests, earthquakes, or river flooding. If you want to insure your home against external floods or earthquakes, you can obtain separate policies that cover these natural disasters.

Water Damage

If your plumbing needs repair, water damage to flooring, carpeting, ceilings, walls, or other items could also occur. Home insurance normally covers the necessary repairs if a large amount of water leakage suddenly triggers this damage. On the other hand, it probably won’t fix damage associated with a slow leak in a pipe or fixture.

Texas homeowners can protect their residences with home, condo, flood, and other insurance policies from Heydari Financial Group. Our independent agency has nearly 30 years of experience. The friendly staff at our Houston, TX, office will take the time to honestly answer all of your insurance questions and help you find the ideal coverage for your home. Don’t hesitate to contact Heydari Financial Group at 713-953-0404 to learn more.

Do all drivers in the Houston area need to have an auto insurance policy?

The Importance of Auto Insurance in the Houston, TX Area

Houston, TX, offers a diverse blend of professional opportunities and bustling city amenities, making living in the area an enriching experience. But as with any major city, having a car here is almost necessary for everyday commuting. This necessitates having auto insurance as well. There are various reasons why drivers need to have auto insurance, and the Heydari Financial Group is here to outline those reasons for you.

Compliance with Legal Obligations

Auto insurance helps you abide by state regulations and loan requirements. When you take out a car loan, your lender typically requires you to maintain insurance coverage. Moreover, Texas law mandates all drivers to have at least liability insurance. An auto insurance policy helps you fulfill these obligations and stay in good standing.

Investment Protection

With car prices on the rise, it is crucial to secure your investment. An effective way to do this is by maintaining comprehensive auto insurance coverage. This coverage supports you financially if your car is stolen or damaged due to accidents or other events. To safeguard your prized car, you should consider a comprehensive insurance plan.

If you are shopping for a new auto insurance policy in the Houston, TX area, reach out to our team at Heydari Financial Group. We understand the importance of comprehensive coverage and the complexities that come with choosing the right insurance plan. Our team can guide you in creating a customized policy that will provide the necessary coverage. Get in touch with us today.

Why is it important for someone to cover their home with a flood insurance plan in Texas?

In many situations, owning real estate in Houston, TX, can be a great idea. Those who own property here enjoy a consistent place to live and long-term value appreciation. If you choose to buy a home, you need the proper insurance, and flood insurance is a good option. There are a lot of reasons to get a flood insurance policy here. 

Ensure Protected Against Flood Risk

One reason you need to have a flood insurance policy here is to ensure you are protected against the risk of flood damage. If a flood damages your home in Houston, the cost to make such repairs can be quite significant. If you do not have a flood insurance policy, you may not have this coverage, but getting a plan will ensure you are supported. 

Meek Requirements

It would be best if you also had a flood insurance policy to ensure you meet any such requirements. Those who have taken out a loan will likely be required to carry insurance. In situations when you are in a flood zone, this will include requiring you to carry a flood insurance policy. Having coverage will keep you in good standing. 

If you choose to purchase a home in the Houston, TX, area, you need to ensure that you have the right insurance. You need to call our team with the Heydari Financial Group for those looking for this insurance. There are a lot of important choices to make when it comes to flood coverage, and our professionals here at the Heydari Financial Group will understand your needs and options and help you create an informed decision.